Suction of Tracheobronchial Secretions at Home

The suction of tracheobronchial secretions at home is the process of removing secretions, in cases of their overproduction or the inability to expel them, as well as food residues that accumulate in the area of the trachea and bronchi.

This is a specialized procedure that requires a specific suction device and a flexible tube.

The specialized tube is inserted through the patient’s mouth or, in cases of tracheostomy, through the stoma.

In many cases, nebulization is used before suction to facilitate their removal.

The need for suction is more common in reclined patients and in patients with a Levin-type nasogastric catheter.

There is no need for any preparation by the patient or their environment, as we have all the necessary equipment and consumables for the suction process.

Indications that suggest the need for suction include:

  • Respiratory system infection, which increases bronchial secretions.
  • Difficulty or inability of the patient to expel secretions through coughing.
  • Wheezing sounds during the patient’s breathing.
  • Reduced oxygen saturation, which may be due to increased secretions in the lungs.

The specialized associates of Oikoiatriki Home Doctors have the experience and appropriate equipment to perform painless and rapid suction at the patient’s home.

365 days a year, throughout Attica.

Our goal is to provide high-quality medical and nursing services to all patients.

Our philosophy is professionalism and patient care.

The specialized associates of Oikoiatric have the experience and appropriate equipment to perform home-based secretion suction painlessly and quickly.

365 days a year, throughout Attica.

Our goal is to provide high-quality medical and nursing services to all patients.

Our philosophy is professionalism and patient care.

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